FGSC – 1st Genration 2nd chance: let’s fight school
dropout with the family and the community


  • To have an understanding of the school’s language of communication; the host country’s education system and the host legislation in terms of schooling rules, rights and duties of citizens, etc.
  • To guarantee success in all the educational stages. the percentage of immigrant students repeating at all ages is higher than among other students.
  • To foster the synergies and create a network among public schools which is a growing tendency. It is a key component of this project to promote the exchange of experiences, information and practices.
  • To improve the quality of education by creating a nice welcoming school atmosphere, which will encourage the parental participation, especially among those who are more remote from schools.
  • To raise awareness of the importance of training and qualifications in order to obtain a good job and to be less vulnerable to suffering from labour exploitation.
  • To foster the connection between education and occupation employment helping parents to improve their language competence and obtain a certification as a step towards employment or job promotion.
  • To provide equal access to offer all the people opportunities for lifelong education to ensure that immigrant adults can participate in this holistic programme as learners and as active participants.
  • To provide parents with a basic labour employment orientation training (knowledge transferable to their children).
  • To provide tools for parents in prevention of risks common in adolescence: drug and alcohol.


  • international project meetings
  • mobility for adult learners
  • two year training program
  • activities for parents


  • online platform with all the contents of the training program, including also other important information like the explanation of the school system, links to useful web pages, psychological support etc.
  • dictionary of educational terms translated from Arabic language into 7 host languages, English and French


  • improvement of language skills and competences of immigrant parents, especially communication in foreign languages, digital competences, learning to learn, cultural expression. This helps for better employment, self-esteem and inclusion in the host country
  • inclusion of immigrant parents in the school environment and wider community
  • increased number of learners who are immigrant parents
  • organizing activities like school events, festivals which are making smaller cultural differences between host country and immigrant parents


Project duration is between 16. 12. 2019 and 15. 6. 2022. Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union