international projects
EU PROGRAM: ERASMUS + K2 (project cooperation for innovation and good practice exchange)
YEAR: 2015
Main purpose of the project is to encourage entrepreneurship education and social entrepreneurship especially among youth. By setting up strategical partnerships between economy, public sector, social entrepreneurship and institutions of education with innovative methods, crucial competences necessary for successful entrepreneurship are developed among youth.
EU PROGRAMME: ERASMUS+ KA203 – Strategic Partnerships for higher education
YEAR: 2019
Science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) workforce is crucial to Europe’s innovative capacity and global competitiveness. Yet women are vastly underrepresented in STEM jobs and among STEM degree holders despite making up almost half of the E.U. workforce and half of the college-educated workforce. That leaves an untapped opportunity to expand STEM employment in Europe. Among STEM jobs, women’s representation has varied over time. In computer and math workforce (the largest of the four STEM components), women representation has dropped 3 percentage points since 2000. Engineers are the second largest STEM occupational group, but only about one out of every seven engineers is female. Men are much more likely than women to have a STEM job regardless of educational attainment. In this context, the principal objective of FeSTEM project is to promote an innovative method and pedagogy that will allow HE students to use traditional and computationally-rich media to create meaningful, shareable exhibits that will act as mentoring models for encouraging girls and women to remain active in STEM.
More about the project HERE
EU PROGRAMME: ERASMUS+ KA204 – Strategic Partnerships for adult education
YEAR: 2019
International reports like PISA or TALIS reveal the great social and education challenges within school systems nowadays. The dramatic dropout rate of students in compulsory secondary education and the unequal results of students (depending on their social and economic context) are just two issues tackled in this project. Reducing the dropout rate is also an objective for the European 2020 targets. In Spain, there is 14% school absenteeism; in Italy it is 18.7%. Other objectives included in the ET 2020: to foster social cohesion and equality in communities and improve quality and efficiency in education; to make use of innovative measures to combat demotivation and absenteeism. To achieve that 15% of the adult population will engage in lifelong learning programs (which accept participants from 25 to 64 years old). The target group will be immigrant adults who are parents of primary and secondary students. The Education 2030 document stresses the Education Council’s recommendation of improving the teaching-learning of foreign languages. As for new technologies, this project will include the creation of an e-learning platform for parents on various topics: the host country’s education system, psychological support for teenagers, language assistance for specific terms related to education and translations into Arabic, English and French.
More about the project HERE
EU PROGRAMME: Erasmus+ K2 – Exchange of good practices
YEAR: 2018
Through the HE.CO project, project partners intend to promote a path for museum system operators, local officials and administrators (in particular small centers), aimed at promoting knowledge and acquiring skills and best practices for the enhancement of the vast cultural heritage spread over its territory. Effective valorisation can not only rely on the availability of the “raw material” (tangible, intangible or natural), but must provide nad work on the issues of economic and management sustainability. This is why programming is important, as it is the development of an integrated or systemic, use of the cultural, environmental and tourism resources of the territory.
More about the project HERE
YEAR: 2018
The project « ISLA: integrated approaches to sharing knowledge on Social Inclusion Systems of migrants and the role of EU local AuthoritieS» was funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme “Europe for Citizens”, Applicable to the Strand 2 – Measure 2.2 “Networks of Towns”. 4 events have been carried out within this project:
Event 1
Participation: The event involved 105 citizens, including 10 participants from the city of Litjia (Slovenia), 5 participants from the city of Guimaraes (Portugal); 10 participants from the city of Sibenik (Croatia) and 80 Italian participants from the town of Palermo
Location / Dates: The event took place in PALERMO (ITALY), from 29/10/2018 to 29/10/2018
Short description: The aim of the event was to realize a Round table with citizens and experts in order to discuss about the welcome system and to realize the differences and peculiarity between the policy and the real facts. One report was realized
Event 2
Participation: The event involved 153 citizens, including 10 participants from the city of Palermo (Italy), 6 participants from the city of Guimaraes (Portugal); 9 participants from the city of Sibenik (Croatia) and 128 Slovenian participants from the city of Litjia
Location / Dates: The event took place in Litjia (Slovenia), from 29/03/2019 to 29/03/2019
Short description: The aim of the event was to discuss about the different settings of communication and citizens styles of mutual understanding. A collection of best practices was presented and shared among partners
Event 3
Participation: The event involved 271 citizens, including 10 participants from the city of Palermo (Italy), 8 participants from the city of Litjjia (Slovenia), 10 participants from the city of Sibenik (Croatia) and 243 Portuguese participants from the city of Guimaraes
Location / Dates: The event took place in Guimaraes (Portugal), from 24/09/2019 to 24/09/2019
Short description: The aim of the event was to know, share and visit the activites and the different cultural involvement toward foreigners and migrants in the hosting country. Also to know the best practices regarding the citizen involvement on a volunteeristic base, with social inclusion scopes.
Event 4
Participation: The event involved 170 citizens, including 8 participants from the city of Palermo (Italy), 9 participants from the city of Litjia (Slovenia), 4 participants from the town of Guimaraes (Portugal), 149 Croatian participants from the city of Sibenic
Location / Dates: The event took place in Sibenik (Croatiua), from 16/12/2019 to 16/12/2019
Short description: The aim of the event was to underline the mutual understanding strategies and the active role of citizens in promoting the intercultural dialogue. As final event some political recommendations were proposed and communicated.
All project news:
- Zaključene aktivnosti projekta ISLA
- Vabilo na zaključno konferenco projekta ISLA
- IC Geoss organiziral okroglo mizo na temo komunikacija med državljani gostujoče države in migranti
- Vabilo na mednarodni strokovni posvet: Oblikovanje skupne komunikacijske strategije med državljani gostujoče države in migranti
EU PROGRAMME: ERASMUS+ KA204 – Strategic Partnerships for adult education
YEAR: 2019
“LIDS – Learning important digital skills” is a project, which intends to disseminate good practices at European level through the training of trainers, who can provide digital skills, particularly in the use of social networks applied to the world of work to disadvantaged adults. The main point is to find out, which “digital learning content” is important to learn for persons, who are underskilled. This list of digital skills will form the LIDS Curriculum.
More about the project HERE
EU PROGRAMME: ERASMUS+ KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Strategic partnership
YEAR: 2018
MeTURA – Back to the Roots project aims to improve the lives of adults with intellectual disabilities by encouraging family therapeutic gardening and family therapeutic cooking as a way of supporting ongoing Lifelong Learning (LL) and independence. The project will last for 35 months in cooperation with non-profit organisations from Slovenia, UK, Croatia and Italy. With the implementation of the Family Education MeTURA partner institutions will expand their offer of Lifelong Learning opportunities for their participants – vulnerable adult learners. The project aims to develop toolkits and resources to enable the educators and the families to make the most of the Lifelong Learning opportunities that therapeutic gardening and therapeutic cooking can provide. It will give insights into the social and functional acquiring of competences and other therapeutic benefits of these activities.
More about the project HERE
YEAR: 2016
Students were encouraged to attend the practical training internationally in organizations from the students’ work area and in accordance with their needs, expectations and desires.
EU PROGRAMME: ERASMUS+ Training course
YEAR: 2019
Education plays a vital role in people’s lives. It helps in shaping successful people, giving them the opportunity to become productive members of the society, performing a crucial role in counteracting the negative effects of poverty and social exclusion. Either by not being engaged in education, training or employment, the so-called N.E.E.Ts, or by leaving school in an early stage, young people run a high risk of finding themselves excluded from social life. As the phenomenon of ESL affects over 4 million people across the EU countries, and it is actually considered as one of the main challenges in education policy and one of the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy, there is an urgent need to focus on this problem. Alongside, the number of NEETs has increased with a percentage of 15.5% in 2017 with some EU countries having a percentage of NEETs overcoming the 20% (Eurostat, 2018). The lack of upper secondary education is a major obstacle to a successful entry to the labour market, and one youth in six being NEET faces a current and future unemployment and wage penalties, major psychological consequences such as stress, exclusion and often involvement in risky behaviours (Eurofound, 2012).
To respond to these tough circumstances, the project aims to promote ideas and tools based on positive thinking so to help youth workers to reach and support those vulnerable groups. Carefully chosen methodologies, will boost youth workers ability to help people who are NEETs or ESL to rebound back in society. Being NEET or ES Leaver is strongly related with low motivation, low resilience, sense of initiative and proactivity.
More about the project HERE
EU PROGRAMME: ERASMUS+ KA201 – Strategic Partnerships for school education
YEAR: 2019
Due to the ongoing refugee crisis and migration waves reaching Europe from Asian and African countries, many thousands of migrant and refugee children have reached the EU countries and have, following different processes in each country, managed to enter the host countries’ school educational systems. This has put the educational systems in all receiving countries under considerable stress, especially in countries of the South of Europe like Italy and Greece that have received the greatest numbers of refugees and migrants to-date due to their position as EU bordercountries, as well as in final destination countries for migrants and refugees fleeing to Europe, like Norway. The schools receiving migrant and refugee children are often not prepared to integrate these new pupils to the school community and provide a safe learning environment for key skills like language learning. The “Open Education for Young Europeans through History, Art and Cultural Learning” project (Open EYE) focuses on creating an open learning methodology based on History, Arts and Cultural Learning, as well as the necessary implementation tools, that will enable teachers of primary education in Europe (formal and non-formal) to support their students in language learning and integration in their school and community, in nowadays multilingual and multicultural classrooms.
More about the project HERE
EU PROGRAMME: ERASMUS+ KA2 Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
YEAR: 2021
Thousands of pupils and teachers stayed at home and been forced to adapt to online teaching from scratch due to the ongoing COV19 requiring measures. The processes were different in every school and left to be designed by the teacher itself as the whole education system did not manage to adapt. Beyond instructional goals, teachers were also required to maintain social integration of pupils while significant disruption to the provision of classes in the specialized classrooms, excursions etc happened. This project aims to use Art to overcome barriers to online learning of science subjects, to aid better learning outcomes and engage in positive learning experiences. Different types of art and art expressions can be used to introduce pupils to new ways of online learning, achiving learning outcomes based on the curriculums and reduce the feeling of social isolation.
More about the project HERE
EU PROGRAMME: ERASMUS+ KA202 – Strategic Partnerships for adult education
YEAR: November 2020 – January 2023
The project intends to develop a tool for adult education and career guidance professionals working with low-skilled unemployed adults, who are the main target group of the project. The mentioned tool will serve to help the mentioned experts in identifying basic skills through non-formal and informal learning contexts and to improve the employability of the mentioned target group.
More about the project HERE
EU PROGRAMME: Programme Erasmus+ K2 (Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Strategic partnership)
YEAR: 2016
The Re-inventing Europeans through History, Art and Cultural Learning project is a partnership including different types of organisations from Greece, Slovenia, Sweden, Norway and Italy. The target groups to be supported are the educators of refugee and the refugee learner. The project will provide training for educators in adult learning who will support the refugees into their new country. The general objective of the project is to provide a pathway to integration through language learning and key skills/job orientation using History, Art and Culture as the basis for the methodology and learning packages to be developed.
People entering European countries after facing the trauma of becoming a refugee are very vulnerable and need a great deal of support and learning to help them establish a foothold in their new country. At the same time many EU countries require to learn very quickly about how best to support the refugees whose knowledge of their new country may be limited and their skills in the language of their new country may be slight or non-existent.
This project requires to be carried out transnationally as each country in the EU is now recognising their responsibility to accept refugees into their communities. Most are very unsure how to approach the education and integration of refugees into their learning establishments, even though they understand the urgent need to try to integrate and educate the refugees into their country in order to satisfy the needs of their current citizens and their new citizens.
Project web site avaliabe HERE
All project news:
- Projekt: Poustvarjanje Evropejcev skozi učenje zgodovine, umetnosti in kulture
- REHAC projektni sestanek in trening mentorjev v Atenah,maj 2018
- Vabilo k udeležbi na zaključni konferenci projekta REHAC
EU PROGRAMME: ERASMUS+ KA202 – Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training
YEAR: 2019
Cultural entrepreneurship is an important issue in European policies Framework. It takes in exam two main problems that affect the Union: lack of occupation and necessity of innovation. The main objective of the European Union is to create occupation and new skills in order to tackle with labour market’s demands as is written in “A new skills agenda for Europe”. RESONANT aims at answering to these requests and focus on the creation of new skills in cultural and entrepreneurial field.
More about the project HERE
YEAR: February 2021 – January 2023
According to Eurodesk (2018), young Europeans aged 15 to 29 are increasingly using digital applications and social networks to have fun, learn, make friends and share news. Research shows that fake news in social media attracts more attention than real, spreads rapidly across the web and through social media, and reaches a large number of people (Kumar & Shah, 2018). The SPOTit project seeks to respond to this challenge by supporting the development of media literacy skills for young people (aged 18 to 35) so that they can make informed decisions about the information they access through social media.
More about the project HERE
YEAR: 2016
The project was implemented by the Association of Adult Education Organizations in Secondary Schools, which, through the use of examples of good practices and cooperation with other organizations from the field abroad, contributed to the professional development of staff.
national projects
YEAR: 2016-2019
The programs in the project increase the involvement of adults in Lifelong Learning and improve their competencies that they need due to the needs of the labour market, increased employability, mobility and personal development and functioning in a modern society. The aim is to improve the basic and professional competencies of employees who are under-educated and older than 45 years.
YEAR: 2017
The event was aimed at connecting employers in the local and wider environment with representatives of the Employment Service of Slovenia, providers of education and job seekers registered at the Employment Service of Slovenia.
An Employment fair in Litija was held at IC Geoss d.o.o. we decided to organize because we anticipate that the number of unemployed in our local environment and wider would be reduced if more activities were undertaken, where information between employers, institutions and jobseekers would be exchanged about the foreseen needs for personnel and required competencies in the future.
We wanted to show the necessity of lifelong education and training both from the perspective of the individual as well as from the point of view of companies and the whole community, mainly due to rapid daily changes, the development of knowledge and technologies, fierce competition and unstable international conditions. Through the fair, we wanted to establish direct contact between representatives of the Employment Service of Slovenia, employers in the local environment, providers of formal and informal education programs and job seekers. The event was extremely successful. The participation was very numerous, as 213 people attended the event, of which 182 were unemployed, 13 were other jobseekers and 18 representatives from employers from the wider region. The responses of participants and jobseekers were very positive. There have been some concrete employment agreements. We plan to continue this kind of events in the future, and we want to see that the Job Fair in Litija organized by IC Geoss becomes traditional.
With this, we continue with our mission – with the cooperation and integration of IC Geoss with companies and organizations in the local environment, thereby contributing to economic growth and overall progress in the municipality of Litija and beyond.
YEAR: 2017
The event was organized for unemployed persons registered with the Employment Service of Slovenia as jobseekers. The purpose of the event was:
- establish a cross-sectoral link between institutions active in the field of labour market, social affairs, youth work and education,
- to present individual examples of good practices of the professions development,
- to educate unemployed jobseekers in the region about the importance of current and applied knowledge as a competitive advantage in the labour market, to present them that it is possible to obtain this exclusively by integrating them into quality life-long learning programs, which at IC Geoss d.o.o. we are implementing in close co-operation with institutions and companies.
The event was carried out by individual approach (individual interviews with representatives of institutions and professions in the lobby) in a positive atmosphere, which enabled the creation of solutions to the individual’s concrete challenges.
At the event, the participants were acquainted with completely fresh and up-to-date information on:
- promising professions in our region,
- where and how it is possible to obtain formal education and informal skills to perform these professions in the way that is most suitable for each individual,
- on the possibilities of self-employment,
- free educational programs and trainings, as well as projects in our region, which enable us to acquire the skills that today are urgently needed for employment or job preservation.
The responses of the participants and representatives of the institutions were very positive.
YEAR: 2014
The target group involved in the implementation of the active employment policy are unemployed persons registered on Employment Service of Slovenia. Participants gained communication skills, learned entrepreneurial personality, gained or learn key sales skills, networking, self-confidence, power of emotion, Neuro linguistic programming. What is a brand, preparing a complete graphic image. They have developed knowledge of the skills of marketing communication and business bonton.
YEAR: 2018-2022
The programs in the project increase the involvement of adults in Lifelong Learning and improve their competencies that they need due to the needs of the labour market, increased employability, mobility and personal development and functioning in a modern society. The aim is to improve the basic and professional competencies of employees who are under-educated and older than 45 years.
YEAR: 2018 – 2022
Students of higher vocational school who are employed can, under certain conditions, recieve reimbursment of scholing within the project MUNERA 3.
YEAR: 2017
The purpose of the programs is to increase the inclusion of the unemployed in lifelong learning and to improve the competences they need because of the needs of the labour market, increased employability and mobility and personal development and functioning in a modern society. The aim of the programs is to improve the basic competences of communicating in foreign languages and the digital literacy of the unemployed through free training.
YEAR: 2014
Preparation of business plan and market analysis. The target group involved in the implementation of the active employment policy are unemployed persons registered on Employment Service of Slovenia.
YEAR: 2010-2013
The operation was carried out in the framework of the Operational Program for Human Resources Development for the period 2007-2013, the development priority: 3. Development Priorities: Development of human resources and lifelong learning; Priority guidelines 3. 2: Improving the individual’s ability to work and live in a knowledge-based society. The goal of the operation was to develop the basic capabilities for quality job performance, create the conditions for maintaining and raising the level of basic skills at the workplace, improve the economic and social situation, encourage participants to increase the educational level, improve the level of digital and computer literacy and create the conditions for personal development. The target group is employees who are less educated and less trained with an emphasis over the age of 45 years.
YEAR: 2019-2022
It is developing and establishing a comprehensive model of social activation in order to ensure transparent, coordinated and integrated treatment of people at risk of poverty and are socially excluded. The model of social activation appropriately connects all relevant institutions in the process.
The objectives of the integrated process of active inclusion, including promoting equal opportunities and active inter-ministerial cooperation, are: the establishment of an integrated model of social activation, empowering target groups to move towards the labour market, preventing slipping into poverty or social exclusion and reducing health inequalities.
The purpose of developing a comprehensive model of social activation is to establish a single entry point, which will provide a comprehensive overview of the issues of the involved people and the setting up of regional mobile units across Slovenia.
YEAR: 2014
The program consists of the following content strands, on the basis of which the participants gains the following knowledge and skills:
Basic knowledge and skills
- Speech skills
- Reading skills
- Written skills
Computer skills
- Use of information technology
- General education
Social skills
- Communication
- Human relations
Lifelong learning
- Responsibility for own learning and promotion
Active citizenship
YEAR: 2015
The target group involved in the implementation of the active employment policy are unemployed persons registered on Employment Service of Slovenia. In the framework of the implementation of the program, unemployed persons gained knowledge about entrepreneurship, advantages, dangers and mistakes that occur in entrepreneurship, legal organizational forms of entrepreneurship, procedure and conditions of registration.